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The role of women: now, not now, someday, maybe.

Lets face it, equality between the sexes has not existed in the past, does not exist now, and will not happen any time soon. Men simply cannot equal the energy potential of women in Tantra no matter how blustery we become. Erica Jong put it quite in persepective when she noted the reaction of men to the (1960’s) awakened “all weather, always ready” fully functional and sexual woman. Talk about a limp reaction. She is quite correct. At some level men have always known that. Men have subjugated women’s sexuality (and the attendant, occupying-the-body woman) since before written or even spoken history. Have you read Genesis in the bible lately? Or some of the writings of the New Testament from the same source? Check out any other religion, especially any religion based on the Koran. Well, that is actually similar to any other religion of widely accepted practice. We have behaved stupidly about the abilities of women and continue to do so.

Men have ruled women and taught them of their inabilities, disabilities, and general lack of functional abilities until even the women support and join in such teaching. We have convinced women they are less capable in so many ways that a simple heading listing would occupy a book. The worst part is that we now believe these lies and the women believe the lies and our whole world now lives these lies. The lies have become the reality.

Men have feared the power of women and have stolen it for themselves so completely that women now give us that power freely and with the belief that not only do we men deserve to receive the power, but that they are not even giving up their power and we don’t even notice receiving it. The Word of God has given me (and my fellow superior men) the head of household status, the priestly status, the right to be right, the honor of recognizing the inherent maleness of God, creation, correctness, might, right, all knowledge, all (god given) power, etc. Haven’t you noticed?

Men have .......... well, I really mean to talk about women. I suppose all of the above is really about women but somehow each paragraph seems to begin with only a small part of the word women (men) and that is as limited as the society in our world has allowed the role of women. The way things stand in the world of Tantric power, is that women have the power and men have stolen it. Lets try to get it back right without women having to become fake men. Copying the mistakes of men such as many of the NOW radicals have will not get power for women. In fact, I believe that the men who wish to remain in power could not be happier than to observe the reactions of women out for revenge and demanding the same power as men. Why would someone with so much power want to copy someone with so little? Women, to thine own self be true.

Men are God (have you noticed who Jehovah is?), men were created first (you women are after all, just created to serve men), men have been sent to save mankind as the ONLY SON of God. Wow, there I go again talking about women by saying what our culture says they are not. Woman, you are not less than, you are more than. All this male dominance is out of fear for your wonderful powers. If we ever allow you to be free, you will be able to make even bigger mistakes than we have or create an even better world than we have. You have the ability to be both better and worse than men can be. Oh yes, that is the curse intelligent men recognize when they allow the continuation of the betrayal of womens ability. Yes you have more power and ability and look how much we of lesser competence have screwed things up. Think how much worse women could have done. Ok, Ok, women could have done better, that’s true but maybe not. That’s how things go. And, that’s where we are at.

How do we solve this catch 22? This will take a lot of people giving answers and adding them up until we have enough good answers to make a change. The change has begun and I can only add my small amount of ability to that change. We cannot cause nor allow women to copy men and our mistakes. What is the point of such wonderful power if all we do with it is copy an already proven failed way of acting? Turning a women into a copy of a man simply is an exercise in failure. Welcome to the world of men girls and join us in our methods. At least we can say the world is still here in spite of our wretched methods of running it. Excuse us a while, we’ll get right with you, we must see about new weapons and the uses of them and then we will be able to talk to you out of a position of power and safety. We’ll see about more rights for women just as soon as we consolidate ours.

Can you see a trend here? And I am not exaggerating anything, in fact, probably keeping it down a little rather than pushing the limits. Some small points to make note of here include the Erica Jong point of women’s greater sexual ability and intensity (how many men do you know who have multiple orgasims or who can orgasm for an hour without a break?), another point to be noted is the fact that women have more brain cells, particularly in the areas of the brain which are involved in rational thinking (how have we men managed to convince women they are emotional and intuitive and not rational in spite of the fact that women are the most rational beings on earth? Boy are we good!) Have we noticed that you live longer? Have more stamina? Are more adept physically, learn quicker, etc., etc., etc.

Men (you see how important we are, getting right to the front of the paragraph) do as well as can be expected of a glorified guard, genetically encoded to serve and protect, especially MY OWN PROPERTY!!! Such as MY woman. That’s right, you’re mine now and you must do as I say. Til death do you part and I’ve got the muscles to make it so! Such genetic coding and selective breeding by the biggest, toughest, meanest, most cunning and cruel males created more males selectively larger and more specialized in strength and size until here I am at six foot, two inches and two hundred pounds of living, breathing, looking-for-a-problem-and-you’re-it, male. Now, men are significantly larger than women and have won the right by might to be right in our might. Oh yes, that certainly makes sense.

Furthermore (only a male can get away with a paragraph beginning with such a word), women have been selectively bred by males to reduce them in size, to select the most gentle, serving, servile, kindest, humble, available, hard-working (don’t overlook the inconsistancy in that), best supporting, least demanding, most long-suffering, etc., women to have children with. The female tough enough to stand up to the swaggering, all-powerful male was promptly put out of camp and allowed to starve. A very practical selective breeding program. Now that we’ve got you bred into your roles, how come no one seems happy with how things are? Have you girls gotten out of hand and moved into some level of awareness? Is there a rebellion against the true authority of men over women? Get back! Get back! You can’t tell me what to do! Of course, that is very true. Who do you think is writing this! I will tell you I am definately not female. I really am as described above and am a creature of my culture just as each of us are. Certainly an alpha male as commonly described by the (male) leaders of our culture. Now, I think that is a good sign. Classic alpha male actually knows who he is. Standing at the entrance to the cave and growling and threatening anything that moves. AND supporting an understanding of the human rights of each of us and the massive amounts of damage we are all crushed down with from our past, present, and future. AND encouraging an understanding of the role of women greater than is currently allowed.

Don’t think that just because we allow some women to be leaders that we have accepted women in an appropriate role. We haven’t! Maggie Thatcher of the U.K. is a great example. She was well trained as a man and how to act as a male would act. She knew when and how to wage war and did so with the support of her training of maleness. Of course, we men know that being trained to think and act as a surrogate male did not take away her femaleness. Not at all! She still has the body of a woman and that is certainly the property of us men. So there!

Well, I could go on and on, filling several web sites with how I feel about the injustice of male and female and how that is expressed and how we got there. However, I must get back to Kundalini Tantra and will suggest that you get and read carefully, AND THEN THINK CAREFULLY ABOUT WHAT YOU READ, the book “the Cinderella Complex” by Colette Dowling. It was published by summit books, in 1981 and is still quite valid. If you will think about what you read, you will be able to add books to the book and gain a great amount of understanding of how we train women to be the broken reeds, vessels of servitude, incapable drudges, .......Oops, time to get off the soapbox.

The male/female energy of our world seems to have a cycle and we have entered the female portion of that cycle. Much as summer lasts deep into autumn and winter hangs into spring because of the heating of the earth and water in the summer and the slow recovery of warmth in the spring from the loss of heat during winter, the male rule hangs on inspite of the rising femaleness of the energy we live in. Although I can’t prove the facts of our interface with the earth electromagnetic field (and I like to be able to prove everything I send your way), and there is much we do not know about the electromagnetic field of the earth we live in, we have learned that the magnetic north pole and the magnetic south pole swap places rather suddenly about every 180,000 years. We don’t actually know why. We also know the electromagnetic field generated by the earth and it’s iron core is very complex and very active. We live deep in this strong, active field and interact with it each moment of our lives.

Now, here’s the part I can’t prove but intuitively have an affinity towards. The earth electromagnetic field changes with time (proven) and may change in such a way so as to affect the functioning of humans and their delicate brain functions, balanced ionic hormone distributions, and possibly many other manifestations of our lives (unproven but strongly suspected). Connecting the ancient Chinese I Ching with the Tree of Life pillars seems to give some preliminary and general answers to this harmonic fluctuation of the electromagnetic field. Setting the I Ching as a circle and superimposing one of the groups of male/female symbols over each of the three pillars of the Tree of Life, we will have six sets left over. If we add the Clipoth (the dark side of the Tree of Life, there will be two left over, one to each side of the pillars of the Tree. If we begin with the three male symbols placed on the central pillar of the Tree, we will see that just about only maleness affects the Tree of Life and it’s representational influence on the spiritual life of the planet. This is the situation of about 2500 years ago. Allowing the I Ching to rotate counterclockwise, once every 500 years brings the portion of the I Ching that represents female symbols over the Tree of Life and, If there is any validity to the Tree of Life (and there is, that I can prove), and any validity to the interaction of the magnetic field of the earth with humans as described (that I believe but cannot prove), then we should have an increasing number of women scientists, women stateswomen, women teachers, women composers, writers, leaders, etc., in all areas of life on earth. This is happening whether we men like it or not and even whether we allow it or not.

In summary, I think we are affected by the earth’s electromagnetic field in ways not yet understood and that there are both short and long term effects which we might be able to map and gain some significant increase in our understanding of who we are and how we should treat each other. Women need to be the leaders filled with the power of female, not male. We males need to assist and guide them to their energy sources, not to the old, failed male energy training. Women have special energy and as males, we have different energy. We cannot force the round peg into the triangular slot and expect functional results. Sharing seems appropriate, not domination (from either side of the sexes). We must help women to find their best sources of energy and ability. We must not make them into our image.

Cinderella Complex: Woman's Hidden Fear of Independence

I Ching: The Book of Change

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